Library Mission


“Knowledge is the only key which can turn tables all at once”



A Library is a place which gives you an insight of those places where you have never been before and encourages you to dream. It is a solution to all your problems. It is like a place which consists of all the instruments to play music.
With our belief when it comes to gifting, Knowledge is the best thing you can gift .

In library mission our volunteers collect books from various places and establish a library. We actually try to give some of the unprivileged children a tool , using which they can achieve whatever they want.

We always lay stress on encouraging and motivating them to take full advantage of the resources they are having, to make their lives better.
By doing all this we let them know that in this journey of their’s, they are not alone and people with same beliefs as ours will always stand by their side. There are many hurdles that may come when you wish to bring a change in the society but it’s up to you how you handle it .

Ready to do your part for this cause?